May 11, 2022

Restack joins the PostHog Marketplace

Joe Martin
Joe Martin

Over the last few months, we’ve steadily grown the number of businesses offering services through the PostHog Marketplace. We’ve added partnerships with teams such as Altinity, Birch and, as of today, Restack.

Restack is a platform for deploying open-source software stacks simply and effectively on Kubernetes, and is run by a team of open-source enthusiasts. Through the PostHog Marketplace, Restack enables you to easily setup, run and maintain a PostHog instance on your own Kubernetes Cluster on AWS.

In short, Restack enables you to deploy and benefit from a self-hosted PostHog instance, but without the maintenance busy work. Best of all, Restack Console can ensure that deployments are HIPAA, FISMA and SOC 2 compliant — handy if you deal with a lot of PII.

Additionally, you can choose which region your AWS EKS cluster will be based in, enabling straightforward GDPR and CCPA compliance if needed.

Need analytics hosted in the EU?

We’re very excited about this partnership with Restack because it offers another, simple way for teams to use PostHog in conjunction with other open-source tools, such as Airbyte or Hasura. Then, using PostHog’s open-source plugin system, it’s possible to easily build integrations between platforms in your stack.

You can find out more about how Restack and PostHog work together in our marketplace, or in Restack’s store listing for PostHog — where you can also watch videos like the one below, about how to deploy PostHog on AWS EKS in just five minutes!

PostHog is an open source analytics platform you can host yourself. We help you build better products faster, without user data ever leaving your infrastructure.

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