B2C metrics template

One dashboard to rule them all. Now available in B2C flavour!

Built for B2C

B2C products tend to have more customers, but lower LTV. They track different metrics, so they have different dashboards!

Make it yours

Suggested insights help you get the essential information, but this is just a starting point. Add more to make it yours!

What's on this dashboard?

  • Customer acquisition

    Track daily active users (DAU), monthly active users (MAU), and the ratio between the two.

  • Sessions and usage

    Find out what keeps customer coming back for more, and where they spend their time.

  • Customer retention

    Find out which customers keep coming back, and which features keep them doing so.

  • Conversion rates

    Run on subscriptions? Find out the conversion rate between sign-up, and subscription.

To use this template, go to the Dashboards tab, click the "New dashboard" button, and select "B2C metrics template" from the modal.