Product health metrics

It's like a stethoscope and thermometer for your product

Get a health-check on your product

Understand which parts of your product work as expected, and what needs intervention urgently.

No news is good news, usually

Just like a spike in your temperature means you're sick, a spike in a metric means there's a problem.

What's on this dashboard?

  • Sign-ups

    Keep track of growth with trend insights to monitor weekly and cumulative sign-ups.

  • Feature adoption

    Monitor which features users love, and session durations.

  • Active users

    Track your daily active users (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU).

  • User retention

    Find out if you're losing users with weekly retention charts

To use this template, go to the Dashboards tab, click the "New dashboard" button, and select "Product health metrics" from the modal.