• Templates
  • Real time analytics dashboard

Real time analytics dashboard

Get live stats on your site or app

Live view into site activity

See what's happening on your site right now. What users are visiting, the pages they are visiting, and where they are visiting from.

Users, sessions, traffic, and sources

Metrics about unique users, breaking down what pages get traffic, the browsers they are using, and even their emails.

What's on this dashboard?

  • Unique users and sessions

    See how many users are visiting your site currently.

  • Pageviews

    See what the most popular pages are right now.

  • Location, browser, and referrers

    See the physical location, browsers, and referring sources where users are visiting you from.

  • Unique users

    See the actual users, by email, currently on your site.

To use this template, go to the Dashboards tab, click the "New dashboard" button, and select "Real time analytics dashboard" from the modal.