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You can create dashboard panels to display information you are collecting with PostHog. It will be the first thing you see when you log on so that you can easily access the most important performance metrics in your product.

Dashboard panels can be created from any tab in 'Insights', and they can be tables, line charts, funnels, and pie charts.

Creating a dashboard

Where is this feature available?
Free / Open-source
  1. Click on 'Dashboards' in the left hand navigation and then '+ New Dashboard'
  2. Name your dashboard, add some optional details and click 'Create'
  3. Your dashboard will be empty - click '+ New insight' to create a graph to add
  4. There are several types of Insight you can now create - Trends, Funnels, Retention, Paths, and Lifecycle
  5. Click 'Add to dashboard', or 'Save' if you want to keep working on your Insight
  6. Once you have added an Insight to your dashboard, you can click 'On dashboard' again to return

If you already have some Insights set up, an alternative approach is to click 'Add to dashboard' in any graph - Insights can appear on multiple Dashboards at the same time.

Editing a dashboard

Where is this feature available?
Free / Open-source

With your dashboard created, you can now view and edit it. In the main dashboard view, you can:

  • Change the name and add a description
  • Add tags
  • Set a refresh interval

Click '...' to bring up additional options:

  • Select 'Edit layout' to drag and resize panels and click 'Done editing' when finished
  • 'Go full screen' is great for presenting your dashboard
  • You can also pin, duplicate or delete your dashboard

Adding text and media to dashboards

Where is this feature available?
Free / Open-source

On paid plans, text cards can be added to dashboards alongside insights. These allow you to add text and external images to add context to your dashboards. With object storage enabled you can drag and drop images onto the cards to upload images and gifs to your text cards.

Tagging a dashboard

Where is this feature available?
Free / Open-source

On paid plans, tags can be added to dashboards to help better organize them. These tags can be added or removed by any member within a project.

Send or share a Dashboard

Click 'Share' in the top right corner. You can:

  • Determine who within your project can access the dashboard
  • Create a link to share your dashboard publicly or embed your dashboard on a website

Advanced sharing

Where is this feature available?
Free / Open-source

On enterprise plans, you can further configure sharing to only give access to certain members within a project. Dashboards can be shared either by members with administrator privileges, or by the dashboard creator.

Further reading

Want to know more about what's possible with Dashboards in PostHog? Try these tutorials:

Want more? Check our full list of PostHog tutorials.


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